Chicken Nuggets

A Chweko life-style ensures that there are gonna be hiccups along the way; periods of time where certain things are bound to fall to the way-side.  Life is screwy…and sometimes one has to hit the “Pause” button in one area of life to make room in the brain to concentrate on more pressing matters for a little while.  I was shocked when a friend pointed out to me that a solid month had gone by without a single Chweko-post.   I knew that there had been a lapse of sorts, but a month seemed inconceivable!  In any case, yesterday, I quickly edited the Neighbor Nick post that I started weeks ago and got it up on the site post haste…not my best work, admittedly.  Hoping that they hadn’t already lost interest in this little blog due to the lapse in activity, I just wanted to reassure the faithful readership that I was still writing.

I make notes in my phone about blog worthy subjects as they arise, and there are always a few that are funny but aren’t enough to build an entire story around.  Please accept these nuggets as an offering, an apology- if you will…these are from The Child, who peppers our time together with as many jokes/observations/quizzes as possible…

In the car…

The Child: “Why was Six afraid of Seven?”

Me: (playing dumb), “I don’t have any idea…Why?!”

The Child: “Because Seven ATE Nine!!”  (and she hardee-har-hars for at least two minutes…..)

Me: “Did you come up with that all by yourself?” 

At the Thanksgiving table…

The Child: “HEY EVERYBODY!…Do y’all know why a dollar is better than the Dallas Cowboys?”

Everyone: (grins and forks pause in mid-air… we collectively wait for the punch line….)

The Child: (pauses to build the suspense…such a flair for the dramatic) “At least you can always get four quarters out of a dollar!!”

Hoots abound.

In the middle of my favorite TV show:

The Child: “So.  Mom.   What are your thoughts on whether the chicken or the egg came first?”

Me:  “RANDOM!” (We laugh, I turn to look at her, and pause the television… I love LOVE my DVR and weep for any mother out there who doesn’t have one.)

The Child: “Well, I think that the chicken definitely came first.”

Me: “It’s an age-old question, kiddo….and people have never come up with one they could prove.  But tell me, I’m dying to know why YOU think the chicken came first.”

The Child:  (much like a superior little professor) “Ok…Just think about it, Mom.  An egg won’t hatch if it’s not kept warm.” (she pauses, lets this statement soak in, and looks at me to make sure I am grasping her line of thinking…)  “If the egg had come first, it would just sit there, get cold, and no baby chick would have ever hatched.  The chicken HAD to come before the egg, because an egg needs a chicken to sit on it in order to survive.” (Smiles triumphantly.)

Me: “Touché.”

  1. #1 by Jennifer on December 14, 2010 - 8:56 pm

    How old is she again???? 30??? 🙂
    Love that child of yours! She keeps me rolling!
